“VERY IMPORTANT!” We want to provide you with important information regarding the system requirements for our Xactimate X1 Training Demo to ensure you have the best learning experience possible.
Please note that the Xactimate X1 Training Demo is not compatible with Mac/Apple products or Chromebooks, as these devices may not meet the necessary specifications for running the software effectively.
For optimal performance, we recommend that you use a Windows-based laptop that meets the following basic requirements:
Additionally, please ensure that your operating system is up to date to avoid any compatibility issues.
We believe that providing a smooth and efficient learning environment is essential, and these system requirements will help you make the most of your Xactimate training experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance in preparing your system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated sales person Chris Love at 281-741-8505 or chris@milehighadjustershouston.com . He is here to assist you and provide guidance on how to meet these requirements.
Thank you for choosing MileHigh Adjusters Houston for your training needs. We look forward to helping you excel in your Adjuster/Xactimate journey.