Not All Of These Are Required But Will Help Make Things Easier. It helps to buy at least two of everything in case you lose one or it gets stolen
- Mobile Filing container
- Stapler
- Container w/chalk
- Memory cards w/holder
- Thumb drives/storage drives
- Paper clips
- Scissors
- Razor blade
- Magnifying glass
- Gloves, mask, hand sanitizer
- First aid kit
- Little camera with extra batteries
- Clasp to hook on pants, belt, etc.
- Fuji Film XP 140 recommended
- Chemical sponge (Amazon)
- Flashlight
- Graph notebook paper
- Good calendar
- Project calculator
- Video camera
- Backpack
- Clip Board
- Opens to put paper inside
- Tape measure (Stanley Fat Max)
- Gloves
- Moisture meter
- Duct tape
- Boots
- Cougar Paws are best
- Rubber Boots for rain/water
- Ladder lock
- Portable printer
- Ladder (Multi-purpose &/or extension)
- Putty knife
- Gear beast (Cell phone lanyard)
- Ladder lock
- Selfie stick
- (To take pictures where you can’t reach if needed)
- Multitool
- Flip takes
- Shingle Gauge
- Number one lost tool, make sure you have more than one
- Pitch gauge
- Laser measurer
- Tool belt, vest, etc.
- iPad pro w/Pencil
- Burner phone or get a Google phone Number
- Never give them your personal phone number
- Rocket book
- Inverter for vehicle
- Itel Mobile Kit
- Poncho
- Compass
- Stackable containers
- Portable Battery Case
- Three weeks of clothes
- Respirator / Hazmat suit
- Jumper Cables
- Bungee Cords